Global Ambassadors'

Jodi McKay was the Leader of the Opposition and served as Cabinet Minister in the New South Wales Parliament. She is the Director of the Australia-India CEO Forum with the Business Council of Australia. The Forum was established by the Prime Ministers of Australia and India to draw upon the expertise of leading CEOs to deliver investment and business outcomes for both countries. Jodi is also National Chair of the Australia India Business Council (AIBC), Australia’s leading bilateral business chamber dedicated to supporting SMEs and promoting trade and investment between India and Australia. She is the Vice Chancellor’s Fellow, South Asia with Western Sydney University.

Patrick Cherrier has had a 25-year tenure as CEO of Essilor Asia Pacific, Middle East, Russia and Africa region (AMERA). He was responsible for the strategic management and direction of the 140 subsidiaries in the region. He spearheaded the company’s market expansion through organic growth, joint-ventures and acquisitions into countries such as India, China, Korea, Japan, Middle East and Russia. He was a member of the Essilor Group Executive Committee.

Yvonne Holden is a retired sports and primary school educator. She has taught for 35 years in Melbourne, London and Sydney, lectured at Teachers’ College and held positions of Primary School Deputy Principal and Acting Principal. Over many years, Yvonne, wife of the late Professor Brien Holden, has volunteered in sports administration (soccer and cricket) and also in establishing, and Board Member of, two not-for-profit pre-school day care centres.